The last ten years have seen an increase in many student services and essential officers in higher education. Chief Diversity Officers, counseling centers and identity-based offices have become staples at most universities in the country. Though the introduction of these services represents a commitment to improving campus climate for the increasingly diverse campus constituents, it…
When Politics Become Personal
In the age of highly polarized partisanship – what are y’all doing with folks you respect who devalue your political agenda? Our nation has been able to say “it’s not personal, it’s just politics” but these last two years, we’ve seen national politics become more and more personal. People’s who’ve been previously silent are speaking…
Reflections on moments with Dr. Nikki Giovanni
One of the important takeaways I got from Dr. Giovanni’s talk today was about uncovering our nation’s hidden histories. It’s more than a mission to discover narratives that make us feel comfortable or justified, but rather a journey to reveal hidden/ misunderstood (flawed) figures in history. She made it a point to express her fondness…
How I read the Bible
If you’re going to read the Bible, you have to contextualize it within its historical context or you risk falling into religious fundamentalism/extremism. This is where those critical thinking skills from English class come in handy! While you’re reading this ancient text, you should be thinking: What was going on when it was written? Who…